Sunday, 14 February 2010

Time Machine - Lecture 1... Key Notes...

So i've gone back and listened to the recording of Phil's lecture and made notes, to clearly identify and breakdown each of the 9 points. I have also made extra notes based on importants points i feel he made in the lecture... Here's my notes:

- Symposiums are an academic conference, or a style of university class characterized by an openly discursive format. Basically each group takes it in turns to do a presentation to each of the other other groups, based on the given subject of Romanticism.

- 'What's past is prologue', from William Shakespeare's, The Tempest. The past is the beginning of everything, you can't go forward without good understanding or knowledge of it.

- Context is important, it's all the stuff that surrounds something. It's the parts of a piece of writing, speech etc that proceed or follow a word or passage and contribute to its full meaning.

- When you're putting an idea together, your idea will be made up of seperate strands, that connect to older ideas; bigger ideas; the ideas of others. Our ideas are connected to a wider context.

- The Matrix is used as an example. If you were asked to talk about this film in context, you'd have to do some research and involve people you may have never heard of before. There are bigger ideas behind it that could help you talk about the film in a more literate way.

- The presentation must satisfy the Time Machine 9. I know this is a slight repeat of other posts, but there's some more information that Phil gave, that's worth taking into account. Plus, it never hurts to keep ourselves reminded of what is required of us:

1) Start with a clear introduction. It should also mention the different published sources you have used and your reasons for choice. You chould use no less than 5 published sources. Wikipedia is a big NO-NO!!!

2) A key definition of key ideas relating to your given topic with supporting evidence in the form of no less than 3 quotations from 3 different published sources. Quotations must be interpreted and their importance discussed. They should also be referenced correctly using the harvard method.

3) Demonstrate a sensitivity for the cultural context, in which the topic came out of and was in reaction to. CONTEXT is the key word here, show we have evidence of how Romanticism was 'weaved' together by other ideas.

4) Also include an illustrated who's who of key individuals associated with Romanticism. With a clear explanation of their significance and why.

5) Provide historical examples of key words, images, artifacts etc associated with Romanticism and an assessment of their importance. Find key cultural events, bits of artwork, texts, books, that connect to that.

6) Contemporary examples of key words, images, artifacts, asscoiated with Romanticism, and a comparison to historical examples. This comes back to 'what's past is prologue'. All contemporary culture owes a debt to the past.

7) The ability to understand the principle importance of things. You will have to provide a bullet point conclusion, where you summarise all your findings.

8) A bibliography and illustrations list correctly set out, using the harvard referencing system.

9) Give Phil a PDF version of the presentation on a memory stick.

- You could do this in about 10 slides if you really know your stuff.

Now i'll takes notes from the second lecture and i'll post these up here tonight. I think it's important to keep familiarising ourselves with each section so we can fully understand how to structure our presentation, so that it replicates the structure of the criteria...


  1. Good Post, adds more information to the brief.

    I've got a lot of information and quotes on the Cultural and Political context, and some key ideas. I've read through it all and I think i've made sense of it.

    We should have a look through it all again tommorow after our lecture, so we can make a big push for Thursday.

  2. i agree... i'm liking your effort, top notch man!
